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What does this 300-page legislation mean for people
with disabilities? Major highlights include:
x A much larger role for public vocational
rehabilitation (VR) as people with disabilities make
the transition from school to adult life.
x Efforts intended to limit the use of sub-minimum
x Required agreements between state VR systems
and state Medicaid systems, and state intellectual
and developmental disability (IDD) agencies.
x A definition of “customized employment” in
federal statute, and an updated definition of
“supported employment” that includes customized
x A definition for “competitive integrated
employment” as an optimal outcome.
x Enhanced roles and requirements for the general
workforce system and One-Stop Career Centers in
meeting the needs of people with disabilities.
x A number of disability agencies moving from the
Department of Education (DOE) to the Department
of Health and Human Services, including the
Independent Living Program.
x Changes in performance measures, with potentially
major implications for VR.